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Making sure your Home is Ready to Show

Tips for Home Sellers in today’s blog — last few steps before your home goes on the market

You’ve done all you can to make sure your home will sell at the right price in the shortest amount of time: you have a great Realtor, have a reasonable asking price, and made any major repairs.

We’ve written several blog posts for you on how to get organized and declutter your home, so refer back to them for great tips.

One of the easiest ways to look at your home through the eyes of the potential buyer, and check that items in each room actually belong there. This means clothing in the kitchen or living room should be put in their proper place, files or tools should be put away in drawers or closets, and food items should remain in the kitchen/eating area.  Additionally, you should pack/give away items you haven’t used in the past six months, or know you won’t need while your home is on the market.

In the kitchen, this means removing counter top clutter — the fewer items, the better.  Clear countertops give the illusion of space. Photos, report cards, and art have to come off the fridge — you want potential buyers to imagine the home is theirs, not yours.

Potential buyers will look in closets; they’re not being ‘nosy,’ they want to know how much storage space the home has.  This means closets and other storage space also needs to be organized and decluttered.

Check back to our next blog posts on for more tips on selling your home: staging tips, curb appeal, and more.

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