Here’s some more great life ‘hacks’ and tips for moving —
- If you enjoyed #10 from our last blog post, using Press n’ Seal to protect items, buy a roll of movers’ stretch wrap — you can group items together, and it will protect your furniture from getting scuffed and scratched.
- Keep sandwich bags hand for holding any small parts of things you have to take apart, like curtain rods or mounted flat-screen TVs. Tape the sandwich bags to the back of the item to which they correspond. Use this method with cords to electronics as well.
- Beer and liquor boxes are the best for BOOKS as they are usually thinking than regular boxes and usually have handles on the sides. Liquor stores are usually happy to give you their empties (boxes, that is!).
- Take a photo of how your electronics are connected so you can remember where the wires go!
- Reduce the number of boxes you need by packing all your laundry bins, hampers, suitcases, and any other baskets. Wheeled suitcases are particularly good for heavy items such as jewelry boxes or books.