Buying a home may the most expensive purchase you make. Before you visit an open house and fall in love with your ‘dream house,’ consider these guidelines: DO –
1. Get the right Real Estate Agent.
In the age of on-line technology, many people think they can manage the purchase of their home on their own. Don’t make this mistake — you need a full-time professional realtor to streamline the process and effectively represent you in the purchase. You will be relying on their expertise to navigate the process. Find an agent you feel comfortable with who knows the area and understands your expectations.
2. Get PreApproved!
Use an independent finance broker to help you get prepared for a loan. Realize that homebuying and ownership is associated with many ‘ hidden’ costs – allow yourself a cushion of funding, not spending the maximum you can, so you can comfortably cover expenses.
3. Have Realistic Expectations.
You should look for a home that is well-priced, in a neighborhood you can envision living in. While no home is perfect, it’s best not to take on a home that needs a great deal of work to make it livable for you and your family. You want to choose a home that will fit your lifestyle, not find the best ‘deal’ on the market.
4. Insist upon an Inspection.
Occasionally, a home buyer will think they must ‘seize’ the deal of a home, and think forgoing an inspection will make their contract more appealing to the seller. Do not make this mistake —- you need to use a reliable home inspector who can inform you of the condition of the home and property. You don’t need to include an extensive list of inspection-based contingencies, but you do need to inform yourself of the true condition of the property.
5. And, a Don’t —
Do not think of this list as exhaustive. It’s not. This is why you need #1 — your professional real estate agent can guide you through the process and make sure all your bases are covered.